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Persimmon chips

8.10 лв.69.00 лв.

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100% persimmon. The persimmon has an exceptional composition and many beneficial properties. The orange fruit contains a large amount of beta-carotene – a natural antioxidant that prevents skin ageing, wrinkles, neutralizes the effects of free radicals and harmful environmental factors. Beta-carotene is necessary for the normal functioning of the visual organ. The content of this provitamin in it is larger than in the red pepper and tomato. The monosaccharides contained in the persimmon have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Therefore it is recommended for patients with cardiovascular problems. Hypertension and anemia sufferers must include the persimmon in their diet. Ripe persimmon contains a high amount of vitamin C (up to 55%), which makes it a very suitable prophylactic against colds and viral infections. Vitamin C helps the immune system fight viruses and infections. Contains an impressive amount of the trace elements needed for humans: iodine (has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect, necessary for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland); magnesium (a vital element for humans, contained in all tissues and ensures normal cell function, has spasmolytic properties, etc.) iron (necessary for anemia, involved in various processes in the body such as DNA synthesis, etc.); potassium (necessary for physical exhaustion, for normal muscle function – skeletal and cardiac, for prevention of acute neuralgia, etc.) Contains natural antidepressants: fructose and glucose. If you feel depressed and sad, be sure to include this fruit in your menu. Although it contains a lot of sugar, the glycemic index does not change. Which means that even people with diabetes can enjoy these extremely beneficial and delicious gifts of nature. With its 60 kcal, it is recommended to those of us who closely monitor calorie intake.

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50 gr, 500 gr