Terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions of Delivery

These General Terms and Conditions regulate the procedure, manner and conditions for purchase and sale of goods through the website www.syrnice.com, owned by Sir Nice OOD, UIC BG204859292 Sofia, address for correspondence syrnice@gmail.com, called for short “seller” ”And any natural or legal person using the website to place orders for the purchase of goods and referred to as“ consumer ”. By using www.syrnice.com to purchase goods, you are deemed to accept and agree to the Terms and Conditions described below.


1. The website provides the user with information about products and the opportunity to purchase the goods offered in the online store by making a request and paying the relevant sale price, in strict compliance by the user of these Terms and Conditions and applicable law. The online store provides information about the products offered and the selling price, including all taxes and fees, information about the method of payment and delivery.

Purchase and sale

1. The seller does not guarantee the availability of the ordered items. In case of impossibility to fulfill his obligations due to the fact that he does not have the goods ordered for purchase in stock, the seller, within 24 hours within working days after receiving the purchase order, notifies the consumer – by calling the phone number specified in the registration form telephone number or by sending a message to the e-mail specified by the user – for the exhaustion of the goods and for the opportunity to change the order at will.

2. In case of incorrect or wrong address, contact person and / or telephone number when submitting the application Sir Nice OOD, through www.syrnice.com is not bound by any obligation to fulfill the order.

3. The user has the opportunity to make a purchase of the goods offered by the website after performing the following factual actions:

A. Registration in the online store on the website www.syrnice.com

B. Contact the merchant can be established via syrnice@gmail.com

C. Selection of an item by type and price

D. He presses the CHECKOUT button, and this action is a statement of intent that binds the consumer and the seller by force of contract.

4. After submitting the order to Sir Nice Ltd. through the website www.syrnice.com the user will receive a call or e-mail to confirm his categorical desire for the order. Through this contact the consumer will receive information about the price of the product and an approximate amount for transport costs.

Prices, method of payment and delivery

1. All prices on the website are indicated in Bulgarian levs, including all taxes and fees, for one piece and do not include delivery costs.

2. The price and delivery costs are paid upon delivery – in cash by the consumer or by a third party on behalf of the customer.

3. Delivery is made within 48 hours in working days after confirmation of the ordered goods at the delivery address specified by the consumer.

4. The possible ways of payment are – with a bank card when finalizing the order; in cash upon delivery to Sofia. In case of delivery by courier, the purchase can be paid at the time of receipt in cash or by bank card, and for this purpose you must select the option to pay in cash when finalizing the order.


1. The consumer has the right to refuse to receive the goods ordered by him for purchase when: the goods or their packaging have been damaged during transportation. In this case, the consumer must contact the courier, who is obliged to draw up a report for damage to the shipment.

2. The consumer has the right, without paying compensation or penalty and without stating a reason, to withdraw from the contract within 7 / seven / working days, as the transport costs are at the expense of the consumer.

3. If the consumer withdraws within the specified seven-day period, he shall notify the seller and return the goods in their original packaging, with the original labels, excise stamps, without any indication that the goods have been used without being damaged or treated in any way. way. In this case, the seller refunds to the consumer the price paid by him not later than 30 days from the date on which the consumer has exercised his right to withdraw from the contract.

Rights and obligations of the parties

1. The seller is obliged to deliver the ordered goods in time in its intact integrity and to transfer ownership of the goods.

2. The user is obliged not to submit fictitious or invalid requests, to indicate the exact delivery address, e-mail address for correspondence and contact phone number.

3. The consumer is obliged to provide access and opportunity to receive the goods. The goods ordered for purchase shall be delivered to the delivery address indicated by the consumer within the term provided in the information for delivery and payment of goods. The goods are delivered properly packaged according to its type and transport for delivery. Upon delivery of the goods, the User or a third party signs the accompanying documents. Anyone who is not the holder of the application, but accepts the goods for delivery and is at the address specified by the User is considered a third party. In case of refusal to receive the goods, except for the cases described below, the refusal is considered unfounded and the User must pay the costs of delivery and return of the goods. In case the User is not found within the deadline for delivery to the specified address or access and conditions for delivery of the goods are not provided within this period, Sir Nice Ltd. is released from its obligation to deliver the goods ordered for purchase. The consumer can confirm his wish to receive the goods even after the expiration of the delivery period, in which he was not found at the address, by bearing all delivery costs. In this case, a new delivery period starts to run from the moment of confirmation.

Personal data

1. Sir Nice Ltd. through www.syrnice.com through the platform WooCommerce and WordPress take due care to protect the personal data of the User, which became known when filling out the electronic form for registration and application for purchase of goods. This obligation is waived if the User has provided incorrect data.

2. Sir Nice OOD through www.syrnice.com has the right to use the information for offering goods and / or services to the User, for promotions, sending congratulations, organizing raffles, inquiries, for statistical and any other lawful purposes, except in case of explicit disagreement of the same, sent to the following e-mail address: syrnice@gmail.com. Any other purposes for which the data is used will comply with Bulgarian law, applicable international instruments, Internet ethics, morals and morals.

3. Sir Nice Ltd. through www.syrnice.com through the platform WooCommerce and WordPress undertakes not to disclose any personal data about the User to third parties – government agencies, companies, individuals and others, except in cases where:

3.1. has received the explicit written consent of the user;

3.2. the information is requested by state bodies or officials, who according to the current legislation are authorized to request and collect such information;

3.3. Sir Nice OOD through www.syrnice.com is obliged to provide the information by law.


1. All texts, images, photos and articles published on this site are copyrighted and are protected by the Copyright and Related Rights Act and the applicable Bulgarian and foreign legislation. Their use, without the explicit consent of the author, is contrary to Bulgarian law.


1. Sir Nice OOD through www.syrnice.com shall not be liable for non-fulfillment of its obligations under this contract in the event of circumstances that Sir Nice OOD through www.syrnice.com did not foresee and was not obliged to foresee – including, but not only, cases of force majeure, accidental events, problems in the global Internet and in the provision of services beyond the control of Sir Nice Ltd. through www.syrnice.com

Changes to the General Terms and Conditions

1. These General Terms and Conditions may be changed unilaterally by the seller. The changes in the General Terms and Conditions do not affect the relations between the seller and the consumer, which arose in connection with a valid application for purchase of goods / goods submitted before the changes of the General Terms and Conditions.

For issues not settled in these General Terms and Conditions, all disputes between the parties will be resolved by mutual agreement. If no agreement is reached, the dispute shall be resolved by law under Bulgarian law.

Delivery and method of payment

1. Delivery is made within 48 hours, after confirmation by e-mail.

2. For the territory of Sofia, delivery is free when your order is worth more than BGN 20 with VAT.

3. For the territory of the country, outside Sofia, the delivery is delivered by courier at your expense. Delivery is performed according to the delivery conditions of the courier.

The price of delivery is according to the kilograms and the volume of the shipment.

4. The possible methods of payment for delivery in Sofia are: with a bank card upon finalization of the order or in cash at the time of receipt.

5. Deliveries outside Sofia are paid with: bank card upon finalization of the order; in cash or by bank card upon receipt by courier, and for this option you must first select payment in cash when finalizing the order.